Architecture Fringe 2018 - Frankentypes

Architecture Fringe 2018 - Frankentypes

Architecture Fringe 2018

08 - 24 June 2018
Custom Lane
1 Customs Wharf, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AL

with Chris Dobson & Lee Ivett for the Architecture Fringe

Frankentypes is a research and design project which imagines how the unexpected pairing and sharing of different building types can create new architectural hybrids. New work was commissioned and exhibited for the Architecture Fringe 2018 from Denizen Works, iheartblob, Studio MUTT, Missing in Architecture and Loader Monteith.

In architecture and public life we take certain building types for granted in terms of how they look, how they operate and how they are used. We recognise, for example, a house as being different from a library, and a leisure centre as being distinct from a farm. As a society accessibility to amenity and housing is becoming more and more difficult for those on the margins and, increasingly, for those in the middle. Accessibility to a quality of life that is diverse, healthy and enriching is increasingly being determined by wealth. How can we imagine and provide a more inclusive architecture? One that liberates us from our current thinking? One that fuses together previously unrelated forms, functions and programmes of human activity to find meaning, and beauty, in a Frankentype.

Image: left Denizen Works / right iheartblob

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