Essential Shifts: Ecological & Climate Emergencies in Architectural Education

Essential Shifts: Ecological & Climate Emergencies in Architectural Education

Essential Shifts: Ecological & Climate Emergencies in Architectural Education

Architecture Fringe x Missing in Architecture x Scott Sutherland School of Architecture
01 June 2022

with Kathy Li and Gillian Wishart

A morning of provocation and co-learning exploring how we deliver a responsive education to the ecological and climate emergencies in architectural education.

We are in an ecological and climate emergency and architects a have huge positive role to play in reducing our impact on both planet and people. The situation requires a rapid response in architecture schools. How can we help each other to define and deliver an architectural education fit for today, to shift inertia and increase momentum?

Essential Shifts is a half day on-line symposium to showcase and debate how architectural education is responding to the emergencies. Join us to hear educators and students talk about their projects and discuss them with our key speakers. How can we make our own courses better? We hope you'll leave inspired to incorporate pedagogic changes for the next academic year, and beyond!

Felicity Atekpe / Director of Professional Practice in Architecture Part 3, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Sofie Pelsmakers / Associate Professor in Sustainable Architecture & Housing Design, Tampere University
Essi Nisonen / Teacher in Sustainable Housing Design, Tampere University

With further contributions from:
Moa Carlsson / Lecturer in Architectural Design, ESALA, University of Edinburgh
Alice Clancy / Lecturer in Architecture, University College Dublin
David Vila Domini / Lecturer in History & Theory, Robert Gordon University 
Simone Ferracina / Lecturer in Architectural Design & Detail, ESALA, University of Edinburgh
Robert Wightman / Teacher in Architecture, University College Dublin
Students from across the UK & Ireland

Event programmed and hosted by:
Kathy Li / Missing in Architecture, Glasgow School of Art
Andy Summers / Architecture Fringe, Glasgow School of Art, ESALA, University of Edinburgh
Gillian Wishart / Robert Gordon University

Image: Event artwork

Event poster by Andy Summers

Guest Critics

Guest Critics

Fictive Kinships & Counter Narratives: Whiteness, race, and the space beyond

Fictive Kinships & Counter Narratives: Whiteness, race, and the space beyond